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Katjang Ratu

Peanuts fried in vegetable oil flavoured with fried chopped garlic. Always a success at parties, with drinks and as an addition to an oriental or eastern meal.


kacang tabah (peanut), bawang putih (garlic), salt, spices, ve-tsin (E621), vegetable oil.

Katjang Ratu


Peanuts fried in vegetable oil flavoured with fried chopped garlic. Always a success at parties, with drinks and as an addition to an oriental or eastern meal.

Ratu Culinair Katjang Ratu will keep for minimally 6 months, if stored cool and dry in sealed package.

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Selemat makan! Enjoy your meal with Ratu Culinair's peanut sauces and snacks!

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